
Reasons for changing your toothbrush

There are reasons to change your toothbrush that you may not have even thought about. In fact, getting a new toothbrush may be the last thing on your mind, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important.

What are some reasons to change your toothbrush? along with most dentists and the ADA (American Dental Association) recommend replacing your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months. We’ll review each reason in more detail to help you grasp the importance. A list of reasons is as follows:

  • Worn out, ineffective bristles
  • Illnesses with lingering germs
  • Protecting against gum disease

Why are worn out toothbrushes less effective?

When people use their toothbrushes more than once a day, the bristles wear out. They become frayed and bent. This makes it more difficult for bristles reach the spaces between your teeth. You don’t root out foot particles or brush away tartar.

What about illnesses with lingering germs that stay on toothbrushes?

When you’re sick with a virus or bacterial infection, it affects your mouth as well. Germs can linger. It’s easy to replace your toothbrush with a new one and not risk reinfection.

How do new toothbrushes help you fight gum disease and other dental problems?

When you have gum disease, your gums may bleed. This means bacteria has multiplied in your mouth. The same is true if you are getting cavities. A coated tongue can give you bad breath, caused by bacteria. Getting a new toothbrush can help you with the battle to keep your mouth healthy.

Are you concerned about good dental health?

Our friendly staff at Hutto Hippo Family Dental is glad to answer your questions and help you with concerns about dental care.

Give us a call. Our number is (512) 806-7740.