Non-Surgical Periodontal
Treat Gum Disease without Invasive Surgery
Hutto Hippo Family Dental
Gum Disease – a Major Cause of Tooth Loss
According to studies by the American Dental Association, about four in five people have some form of gum disease, from gingivitis to serious conditions where you can experience loss of teeth and even bone structure. In fact, it’s the major cause of tooth loss in people over the age of 30. Of even greater concern, many studies show a direct relationship between untreated gum disease and a number of other serious health issues, from diabetes to kidney and heart disease.
Until recently, the only successful way to treat gum disease was through invasive oral surgery. The process was pretty painful and took a long time to heal, causing you to miss a lot of work.
Dr. David Baker pioneered the use of laser technology in 2004 to treat periodontal (gum) disease for his patients. With the laser process, known as LANAP (laser assisted new attachment procedure), Dr. Baker can remove diseased gum tissue without interferring with healthy tissue. Typically, patients see about 50% improvement in their gum health after a LANAP treatment and can even get some regeneration of lost bone. There’s no cutting, stitching, bleeding or down time —most of our patients return to work the same day or the next day!
A Different Approach to Dental Care
When you go to the dentist, often, you’ll find a somber atmosphere. Let’s face it. A trip to the dentist can be nerve-wracking and hushed surroundings can heighten your anxiety.
At Hutto Hippo Family Dental, we take a different approach. While we always provide the highest standard of care and ensure that all your dental needs are met, we also believe that laughter can help ease you through a difficult, but non-life-threatening, procedure. We strive to keep the mood light and relaxed in our office, so that you don’t experience unnecessary stress or fear. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself walking out of our offices with a smile on your face!

Why Choose Dr. David Baker?
When you meet Dr. Baker, you’ll discover almost immediately that he’s passionate about his dental practice. Throughout his nearly three decade career, he has always explored ways to enhance his knowledge and skills and to provide clients with benefits of the latest technology to meet their needs. Dr. Baker was the first dentist in the Austin area to offer Botox treatments for TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder). He also introduced the Six Month Smiles® to Austin in 2008.
At Hutto Hippo Dental, you can rely on our professional, skilled staff for high quality dental care for the entire family.

Schedule an Appointment
Our office hours are Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., except during our lunch hour (1-2 p.m.). In case of a dental emergency, you may call Dr. Baker for help after our regular office hours.