protecting your child's teeth hutto tx dentist


As parents we all want our children to have healthy teeth and gums along with beautiful smiles.

While some kids are more cavity resistant than others and their teeth grow in straight, aligned perfectly, other kids aren’t as fortunate. Good dental hygiene is the best place to start for healthy teeth and gums.

Here are some ideas from WebMD for dental care that begins with infants and toddlers:

Dental Checkups for Young Kids. While you may think you’re saving money by not getting checkups, the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) reports the opposite. Over a period of five years, parents save close to 40 percent in costs when their kids see a dentist by age 5. WebMD recommends having your child see a dentist within the first year.

Forming Good Teeth Cleaning Habits. Even before your infants have teeth, you can clean their gums with a washcloth or gently brush them using a baby toothbrush. When teeth come in, use an infant toothbrush twice a day along with fluoridated toothpaste. When teeth begin to touch, start flossing. Make sure you do one of the brushings right before bedtime and give your child nothing to eat or drink afterward except for water.

Prevent Decay during Baby Bottle / Sippy Cup Use. Putting children to sleep with a bottle that contains juice, formula or milk can lead to tooth decay. These liquids contain sugar. Use a bottle of water instead. Reduce the amount of juice, giving no more than four ounces a day of 100 percent fruit juice and offer it at mealtimes or as a treat. Also limit the use of a sippy cup that contains sugary drinks because it can lead to decay of the back of the front teeth.

At Hutto Hippo Family Dental, we strive to provide you with information that can help you take care of your children’s teeth.

Hutto Hippo Family Dental provides patients with all types of dental services.