laser surgery dentists in austin

LANAP stands for laser-assisted new attachment procedure. It has been in use since 1994 and is an FDA approved laser treatment.

It is a surgical procedure used in treating periodontal disease, which is gum disease. The focus of this type of surgery is not just to remove infection but also helps to regenerate bone.

To understand the effectiveness of laser-assisted new attachment procedures, it’s important to understand what gum disease is and how it affects the gums and teeth. Bacteria lead to the production of plaque. When plaque builds up beneath the gum line, it causes gum inflammation. The more the gums swell, the more they detach from the teeth. These are the symptoms and effects of gum disease.

Dr. Robert H. Gregg and Dr. Delwin McCarthy researched and developed laser-assisted attachment procedure and formed Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc. to market the LANAP protocol.

Details about the Procedure

The laser fiber used in this type of surgery is the width of three human hairs. During the procedure it is used to lightly remove the bacteria that’s causing gum disease. It stops and slows gum detachment.

What are the advantages of the LANAP procedure?

  • It’s less painful than conventional surgery.
  • It’s more effective than conventional surgery.
  • It results in regeneration of the bone
  • It facilitates gum tissue reattachment.
  • It helps your dentist focus on the source of inflammation.
  • Your dentist can avoid removing healthy gum tissue
  • It can reduce pocket depth
  • You can recover without your gums needing to be cut and sewed with sutures.

Some other ways that patients benefit from LANAP is that there is less bleeding, less swelling, less post-opt sensitivity, less gum loss, fewer post-op infections and very little recovery time after having the treatment done.

Dr. Baker uses LANAP to treat patients with moderate to severe gum disease.