
Smiling and Laughter Is Good for Your Health

Healthy teeth and attractive smiles relate to well-being in ways you may not realize. People with attractive smiles are more likely to smile and laugh. They aren’t self-conscious about crooked, decaying, missing or chipped teeth. Studies done by the American Dental Association (ADA) show that one third of the people with decaying teeth and gums were less likely to smile.

What are the benefits of smiling and laughing for you overall health?

According to UWA Online studies show that smiling and laughter:

  • Nurture mental and physical health
  • Improve social relationships
  • Can lead to longer lifespans

How does smiling and laughter nurture mental and physical health?

Spontaneous smiling or even smiling to engage socially convey a mental state of positivity. Even if you force a smile to begin with, you’ll start feeling more upbeat. From a physical standpoint, your body releases dopamine, endorphins and serotonin, the happy hormones. The hormones tell the body you’re happy, and as a result you feel happier. An interesting quote from a British researcher stated that “one smile can generate the same level of brain stimulation as put to 2,000 bars of chocolate.”

Even forcing a smile can help achieve this.

How does smiling and laughter improve social relationships?

In fact, smiling and laughter are contagious. People who are laughing or smiling seem more approachable.

According to Author William Arthur Ward, “A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” In fact, psychologists did a study of 71 couples who explained how they first met. The time spent laughing together related to the quality of their relationship, social support and closeness. When people laugh together they’re sharing a bond.

At work, greater performance and productivity have a correlation to happiness. The author of Happiness at Work, Jessica Pryce Jones did research on 3,000 participants in 79 countries. The happiest workers had great energy, higher income, better review and were 155% happier with their jobs.

Longer Life Spans

Laughter stimulates organs (heart and other muscles), increases oxygen intake

A Norwegian study discover that women with a strong sense of humor were 73% less at risk for dying from heart disease. They were 83% less apt to die from infection. Laughter lessens stress and decreases heart rate and blood pressure.

Are you ready to experience how healthy teeth and attractive smiles relate to well-being ?

We can help you with dental treatment for an attractive smile. Our friendly staff at Hutto Hippo Family Dental is glad to answer your questions and help you with concerns about dental care.