
Does diet matter when it comes to teeth?

How a vegan diet can affect dental health may come as a surprise. Because vegetarian diets seem healthy overall, you wouldn’t suspect the risks for your teeth.

However, according to research studies, vegans are more at risk for cavities and tooth erosion than those following traditional diets.

Details of why a vegan diet can affect dental health

One reason is that vegetarians typically eat more carbohydrates. Carbohydrates increase acidity, which throws off the pH balance in your mouth. Acidity can lead to tooth decay and demineralization. By comparison, proteins make the pH more alkaline than carbohydrates do. Therefore, there tends to be less tooth decay when eating a diet containing meat.

Cow’s milk and dairy products that don’t contain sugar help prevent demineralization. The reason is they provide a lot of calcium. In contrast, milk substitutes like soy, almond, oat, rice and coconut milk do not contain much calcium. Except for soy milk, they also do not offer much protein. In addition, they are often sweetened.

When seeds and other vegetable matter lodge in the teeth, they can lead to plaque buildup. This is particularly true when getting orthodontic treatment.

Negative effect on gums

A vegan diet can affect the oral and gut bacteria. Biodiversity in gut microbes have been linked to gum disease. However, this varies between people who have been vegans all their lives and those who haven’t.

Can a vegan prevent the negative effects of their diets?

Yes, they can. They can ensure their carbohydrate intake isn’t excessive. Avoiding high sugar content beverages like smoothies and fruit juice is wise. Also, they can look for milk substitutes without sugar added.

A Waterpik® flosser can remove food particles that get stuck between teeth.

Vegans also can compensate for vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

Do you have concerns about your dental health?

We’re always glad to answer your questions and discuss your concerns about dental care. To make an appointment, call Hutto Hippo Family Dental at (512) 806-7740.