
What does dental health have to do with your child’s heart?

Medical research has established that a healthy mouth and heart connection exists in children and teenagers.

According to, a new study revealed that 10% of children and teenagers with heart conditions had ratings of poor or fair dental health. This statistic was twice the figure of kids who didn’t have heart conditions. Children with heart conditions were more prone to toothaches, frequent cavities and bleeding gums.

What Factor Underlies the Healthy Mouth and Heart Connection?

When oral bacteria enter the bloodstream, children with heart disease are more susceptible to damage. They can contract endocarditis, which causes inflammation in the heart’s inner lining. In fact, this condition can be life-threatening.

The Importance of Preventative Dental Care in Children Born with Heart Defects

Professionals recommend children with heart issues see a pediatric dentist before they reach the age of one. Children with heart conditions are more prone to cavities.

Factors such as undergoing surgeries and certain medical treatments can make it more challenging to take care of their teeth and gums. Other priorities may take center stage. For example, children with heart conditions may also have developmental or intellectual disabilities. However, it is vital not to neglect your child’s dental health.

In addition, heart medications can lead to dry mouth. Having dry mouth makes the child more cavity prone.

What Can You Do as a Parent?

There are steps you can take as a parent:

  • Encourage your child to drink a lot of water
  • Do not allow them to drink a lot of juice or sweetened beverages
  • See a pediatric dentist early on and regularly, perhaps several times a year
  • Monitor your child’s daily brushing and flossing

We’re glad to answer your questions about dental health

Our friendly staff at Hutto Hippo Family Dental is happy to answer your questions. We don’t believe in making patients wait. Your time is valuable, and we know that. We’ll strive to get you in to see the dentist as soon as possible.

Give us a call. Our number is (512) 806-7740.