
Typically, dentures or dental implants are the two main choices if you’re missing a number of upper or lower teeth. Which are best for you depend on a number of factors, which you can discuss with your dentist to arrive at the best decision,.

What Are Dentures?

Dentures refer to a plate or frame of artificial teeth that are removable, whether a complete denture or partial denture.

Dentists use complete dentures when all the patient’s teeth are missing and a partial denture when just some teeth rare missing.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental Implants are replacement teeth that screw into the bone and are made to look like your natural teeth. They aren’t removable.

Dentures or Dental Implants: Pro’s and Con’s of Each

Denture benefits include:

  • You can remove them and clean them.
  • They’re less expensive than implants.
  • No surgery is necessary.
  • You don’t have to worry about further tooth decay, gum or bone loss.
  • Dentures are custom designed to fit your jawbone structure.

Dental implant benefits include:

  • You don’t have to use adhesive gel to secure them.
  • They look more natural.
  • They replace the tooth’s natural roots.
  • A high success rate exists for dental implants.
  • They last a long time.
  • They don’t compromise nearby teeth the way partial dentures sometime do.
  • Chewing is easier than with dentures.

According to WebMD, the success rate for dental implants varies based on where the implants are inserted into the jaw. Overall the success rate is 98%. Your gums and bones must be healthy enough for the implant. Patients who may not be candidates are those with chronic disorders such as diabetes or heart disease, heavy smokers and those who’ve received radiation therapy to the neck or head.

Dr. Baker can discuss options for tooth replacement with you and provide helpful information so you can make the best choice.