
Dental Crowns or Dental Caps? Which do you need?

When you’ve had a teeth damaged, either in a traumatic accident or as a result of decay, your dentist may recommend dental crowns or dental caps, and may actually use the terms interchangeably. Both can effectively help you restore dental health, but they work differently. Let’s take a closer look at how each of these remedies works.

What Is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is essentially an artificial tooth that is either placed over an existing tooth (typically one that is broken or partial) or an artificial tooth root (known as an implant). Dental crowns are common in a variety of circumstances:

  • Where you have a discolored, misshapen or damaged tooth
  • Where you have lost a tooth
  • Where your tooth has become weak because of cavities or due to a root canal
  • To support a bridge on one side of an artificial tooth

What Is a Dental Cap?

A dental cap is generally placed over an existing tooth that has been chipped, damaged or broken. It restores the tooth to its original size and shape, but also enhances the strength and integrity of the tooth while protecting it from recurring damage. A cap typically covers only a portion of a damaged tooth.

Which Do You Need…a Crown or a Cap?

As a general rule, that depends on the extent of the damage to your tooth. You’ll always need to crown to replace a lost tooth and you’ll typically need a crown when the damage to a tooth is extensive.

Is It Time for Healthy Teeth?

At Hutto Hippo Family Dental, our friendly staff is always ready to answer your questions or address any concerns you have about your dental health. Call us at (512)806-7740 to schedule an appointment.