What role do dental hygienists have?

Dental cleaning and dental hygienists did not always have a prominent role in dentistry. In fact, it wasn’t until 1917 that the first professional became a licensed dental hygienist.

A Brief Overview of Dental Hygienists

Connecticut was the first state to pass a law to license dental hygienists in 1917. In 1921 the University of Michigan offered a one-year dental hygiene program and the state recognized dental hygiene as a legal profession. However, it wasn’t until 1952 that all states offered licensure programs for dental hygienists. And in 1985, the first National Dental Hygiene Week took place from September 15-21.

Why did dental cleaning and dental hygienists become so relevant?

As dentistry incorporated cavity and gum disease prevention into its practice, dental cleaning and dental hygienists took on greater importance.

It’s a fact that brushing twice a day doesn’t remove all the plaque and bacteria from your gums. The reason is: tartar develops under the gums. If not handled right away, the tartar can set you up for serious gum problems. Not only that, it can damage the bone under your gums.

What is tartar?

Plaque leads to tartar. Plaque is a film of bacteria that sticks to teeth. Within 24 to 72 hours, plaque will harden into tartar. Tartar is a calcified deposit and as the tartar mineralizes , it becomes hard. Tartar covering teeth and gums can irritate your gums and cause periodontal disease. Sensitive and irritated, the gums look red and bleed. As the disease worsens, it can damage the bone under the teeth. As a result, teeth loosen and may fall out.

About 80% of the people in the U.S. have some form of gum disease.

How can you prevent tartar build up and gum disease?

Regular preventive dental cleaning is the way to prevent gum disease. You should see your dentist twice a year for cleanings and examinations.

Do you have concerns about preventing dental problems?

Our friendly staff at Hutto Hippo Family Dental is happy help you and answer your questions. We can help you have healthy teeth and gums through safe and proven methods.

Give us a call to make an appointment. Our number is (512) 806-7740.