
Protecting against contagion

Our COVID-19 dental office protocols are in place for fall. There has been a resurgence of COVID-19 due to the Delta variant. Therefore, the CDC recommends dentists take the same health precautions. As a reminder, we’re creating another blog article about what to expect during your appointment.

Details About COVID-19 Dental Office Protocols

The American Dental Association (ADA) has an update about protocols based on the Delta variant and vaccinations. It states that the dental practice settings remain the same. Precautions include being vaccinated against the virus, using masks in the office and social distancing. The guidelines explain that vaccinated people can still become infected and transmit the virus. This is true even when they are asymptomatic. In fact, as of the end of July 2021, 82% of the U.S. cases have occurred due to the Delta variant.

For this reason, you will see staff wearing masks and maintaining social distancing, whenever possible. In addition, our patients must do the same. We may directly lead you to the room where the dentist will examine you and provide treatment.

The major concern is how the virus can spread. The Delta variant transmits more easily. Therefore, we need to be concerned about preventing contagion.

Droplets of saliva can spray when people talk, cough or sneeze. Medical professionals believe that such droplets are what spread the disease. Due to the fact that dental treatment takes place within close contact, taking precautions is important.

Dental Care

If you are experiencing COVID symptoms prior to your appointment, let us know. We may reschedule your appointment. However, we also want to minimize harm to our patients. For that reason, we also take the urgency of your dental care need into consideration.

We Can Answer Your Questions About Dental Care

If you have concerns about providing your family with proper dental care or run into dental problems, give us a call. Our number is (512) 806-7740. At Hutto Hippo Family Dental we’re also glad to answer any questions you may have.