
What is TMJ?

Tight jaw muscles cause TMJ (temporo-mandibular joint) disorder. TMJ disorders can be painful and result in headaches. Through everyday activities like talking, chewing food, and swallowing, the jaw muscles may get too tight and the joint can become displaced or get...

Which Toothpaste Should I Use?

Patients often ask dentists this question ”Which toothpaste should I use?” You can find many opinions on the internet and among toothpaste manufacturers as to why their product is the best. Personal preferences certainly enter into your decision, depending on whether...

Root Canal Horror Stories

Debunking the Myths about Root Canals It’s a fact that if you tell some patients they need a root canal, you literally strike terror in their hearts. And usually they’ve never had a root canal, but have heard others talk about it. What Are the Myths? According to the...

Veneers: What’s in a Beautiful Smile?

When someone smiles and their teeth are white and perfectly lined up, it certainly creates an aesthetic appeal. Most actors and actresses have dental work done to acquire perfect teeth, which we’ve come to know as the “Hollywood smile.” But the truth is, with cosmetic...

What about Bad Breath?

Certainly bad breath is something no one wants to have. You see commercials and television shows where a guy or gal pops a breath mint or sprays breath freshener in his or her mouth in anticipation of a romantic opportunity. It’s embarrassing when someone tell you...