A study done at Carrington College shows signs that using low-powered lasers may help dentin re-grow teeth and reverse tooth decay.

The Harvard-led procedures have only been done on rodents up to this point, but scientists are confident that further studies may show that lasers help human teeth as well.

The light from the laser caused chemicals to be released in the mouth that influenced stem cells to reform dentin. The first effect of the laser was to induce active molecules that contained oxygen, which is vital for cellular function. Next, the laser triggered a cell protein that induced stem cells to grow dentin. Twelve weeks later, x-ray imagining showed the rodent had increased dentin formation.

The idea of regenerating teeth instead of replacing them is an exciting concept for the dental field. Imagine going to the dentist and instead of drilling and cavity filling, you get a laser treatment. Or instead of a root canal or crown, you get a series of laser treatments.

Of course, this study is very much in the research stages and it may take awhile to meet approved testing standards and be perfected for human use. However, at some point, there’s a possibility of it becoming a part of the latest dental technology.

Dr. Baker loves to stay on the cutting edge of technology, and you can be sure when new techniques become approved for dental use, he will be at the forefront in providing them to his patients.