smoking and your teeth

Smoking is bad for your teeth and gums, just as it is for your overall health. Despite the fact that many people still smoke, there are vital reasons not to do so.

Age Groups and Other Statistics Regarding Smoking

While the number of smokers has declined from 21 out of 100 in 2005 to 15 out of 100 in 2016, an estimated 36 million people in the United States still smoke.

Here is how the age groups break down among smokers:

  • Ages 18-24. About 13 of 100 adults smoke
  • Ages 25-44. Close to 18 out of 100 adults smoke
  • Ages 45-64. Around 17 out of 100 adults smoke
  • Ages 65 and older. More than 8 out of 100 adults smoke

(Reference: CDC — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

According to WebMD smoking is bad for your teeth, gums and oral health because it leads to:

  • Bad breath
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Inflammation of the salivary gland openings in the roof of your mouth
  • Increased plaque build up
  • Increased loss of bone in the jaw
  • Increased risk of leukoplakia (white patches inside the mouth on the tongue, cheek or gums)
  • Delayed healing after tooth extraction, periodontal treatment or oral surgery
  • Lower success rate with dental implants
  • Increased risk of developing oral cancer

The CDC warns that smokers are two times more at risk for gum disease than non-smokers.

According to WebMD, cigars and pipes smokers are just as at risk so for health problems as cigar, cigarette smokers, if not more.

If you smoke, you should consider doing everything you can to quit for the sake of your general health and also your oral health.

Keep Regular Dental Appointments

Keeping regular dentals appointments is a good way to maintain healthy gums and teeth. Whatever issues you face, Dr. Baker is always glad to explain what’s happening and discuss treatment options.