Orthodontic Treatment – Straighten Teeth in Less Time Without Metal Braces
Hutto Hippo Family Dental
Orthodontic Treatment
If you are an adult with teeth that are out of alignment, chances are you’ve done little or nothing about it and may not know your options to straighten your teeth. Even though studies show that one of the most common dental problems is crooked or misaligned teeth, most adults don’t seek orthodontic treatment, either because they don’t want to wear metal braces for years or they worry about the costs. With the Six-Month Smiles® procedure, Dr. Baker can straighten your teeth between hygiene visits and complete most realignments of your teeth within six months. The Six Month Smiles orthodontic treatment uses clear brackets and tooth-colored wires that are practically invisible. During treatment, you will experience less discomfort than with metal braces and find that brushing to keep your teeth clean, during treatment is easier too. An additional benefit is that the Six Month Smiles® is typically more cost effective than other types of alignment therapy or treatment.
The Hutto Hippo Family Dental Difference
Whether you visit our dental office for braces or realignment treatment, root canal therapy, a crown or just for a cleaning or whitening procedure, we understant that a dental appointment can cause anxiety or unease. When the mood in the dentist’s office is subdued or quiet, it can only heighten your discomfort. We don’t believe visiting a dentist has to be a fearful experience for you or your children. At Hutto Hippo Family Dental, we deliver professional dental care with a smile and ensure that all your needs and concerns are addressed. A dental procedure is not a life-or-death matter, thus we like to keep things in perspective, striving for a light and relaxed office atmosphere. Don’t be surprised if you walk out of our offices with a smile on your face!

About David Baker, DDS
When you need dental care, you want to work with someone who loves what he does. That describes Dr. Baker. While he has been in practice for nearly three decades, he’s known he wanted to be a dentist from an early age. He excelled in both his dental aptitude test and his dental boards. Throughout his career, he has been dedicated to furthering his skills and knowledge and to bringing new and effective procedures to his patients. In 2004, he became the first dentist in Austin to employ laser-assisted technology to treat gum and periodontal maladies. In 2005, he introduced the use of Botox for treatment of TMJ to patients in Austin. In 2008, he was one of two dentists to pioneer the Six Month Smiles® in the Austin area.
Contact Us – Get a Beautiful Smile in as Little as Six Months
Our Hutto, Texas dental office schedules patient appointmentss Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. except during our lunch hour (1-2 p.m,). If you have a dental emergency, you can reach Dr. Baker by phone after our regular office hours.