marijuana and dental hygiene, austin tx pothead

Marijuana and dental health has been the subject of recent research, which is understandable, as marijuana use has become more prevalent in society. Some states have passed medical marijuana laws, and in recent years, two have even passed recreational marijuana laws. Beyond that, the illegal use of cannabis has been common for years. But what many people don’t realize is that marijuana puts you more at risk for dental problems.

What Studies Show About Marijuana and Dental Health

The American Dental Association (ADA) recently released an article that stated recreational use of cannabis is linked with gum disease.

Gum disease is common in the United States and is a major reason for adult tooth loss.

The study researched 1,938 adults who were 30 years or older and who received a complete periodontal examination and answered questions about regular cannabis (marijuana or hashish) use. Regular use was considered using it one or more times a month during the last 12 months.

Cannabis users showed:

  • Significantly greater gum attachment loss
  • Deeper pocket depths between teeth and gums

The risks for frequent cannabis users to suffer from severe gum disease were 1.4 times greater than people who rarely or never used cannabis.

New Zealand Study on Marijuana and Dental Health

In June 2016, results published about a New Zealand study done on approximately 1,000 regular cannabis users over a 20 year period showed that cannabis was linked to gum disease in early midlife. However, it was not linked to other physical health problems. Researchers assessed individuals participating in the study at the ages of 18, 21, 26, 32 and 38 years of age. Gum disease associated with cannabis use manifested during the ages of 26 to 38 years. Loss of gum attachment was the measurement used to determine periodontal health.

Find Out How Dr. Baker Can Help

Even when you’re at risk for gum disease or suffering from gum disease, there are actions you can take to reduce it or keep it in check. At Hutto Hippo Family Dental, Dr. Baker can help you take good care of your teeth.